Welcome To the World Wide Stereo Underground


So, what's this all about?

Attention rock star moms, block party dads, film buffs and music freaks … sports fans, dashboard drummers, gift shoppers and newcomers… gamers, browsers, bargain hunters and bestowers of family night everywhere: we hereby claim this space for you. (Insert GIF of me planting proverbial flag, here.)

Welcome to “The World Wide Underground,” our own semi-regular blog about all things World Wide Stereo – and you. For those who don’t know us, World Wide Stereo is really two things at the same time. 1) We’re an audio / video / smart home technology store with a storied past and a diehard following… and 2) we’re a bunch of crazy (as in crazy/dedicated) people who genuinely love what they do and want to share the fun. We started some 40 years ago with a couple of stores in the Philadelphia area, and now we’re considered the internet’s creme de la creme for the latest and best gear, the good stuff, at crazy good prices.

Now, through the World Wide Underground, we will regularly feature new product announcements (specifically our take on the newest gear), plus do some unboxing, and share news from the front lines about new technologies – e.g.: what’s coming and when. We’ll discuss events, too, whether the big shows like CES in the U.S. and annual shows in Europe and Asia – or smaller events like our own "who’s-got-the-loudest-car-stereo" contest. And we hold the right to, on occasion, rant. (We’re a passionate bunch. Comes with the territory.)

We’re giving ourselves 2 rules to start. Rule #1 = never be boring, and rule #2 = see rule #1, and that won’t always be easy. We know: there are those who love listening to beautiful music, getting swept away by a great film, enjoying a speed-of-light internet experience… without any regard for (or interest in) the technology that makes it all possible. Conversely, there are others who love to parse, discuss and dissect every ohm and amp – and this blog is intended for both audiences.

So please, come back soon and check out new World Wide Scoop articles as they appear. We want your bookmark, and we’re going to work hard to get it.

See you next time… !

A little more about World Wide Stereo:

We design and install custom home theaters and screening rooms – around the block, and around the world. (Some upwards of a $1M. Plus we’re one of only a few dealers authorized to install personal IMAX theaters.) We install whole house music systems. (Including some for grammy-award winning artists.) We turn hum-drum internet connections into home networking marvels that even the NSA would envy. (When all your devices work all the time, that’s us.) Add to that, our car electronics department is nationally award-winning, and we’re the go-to people for smart advice on anything and everything audio and video. Plus we throw awesome parties (join our mailing list for invites).

Here’s what I’m trying to say: we’re not some big Amazon-like warehouse that just receives, catalogs and ships product. In fact, when we took our business online few years ago, our primary goal was to offer online what we offer in person – from prompt and enthusiastic service to a smart and extremely well-vetted selection of goods, to real advice from real pros who really care. As well as free shipping, price guarantees and all that good stuff.

Too much selling? I hope not. (It’s all true.)

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